Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thing 17

I've just read the email that thing 17 has changed. Does this mean I need to do something else with it? If so, what? Anyone know?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

rollyo revisited

I have figured it out. I was way over complicating this site. I can see how it would be useful. Now I am officially done!!!!!!!! I have completed all 23 things and that makes me happy. Everything is figured out and it's still early November. Yeah!

Summary of 23 things minus rollyo

I have had a great time learning about all of these sites and the fun things you can do with them. I have found old friends on myspace so I will continue to use that, it's a good tool. LibraryThing is a wonderful site. I love the recommendations page the most I think, especially the un-recommendations. It is a good place to compare notes on what you are reading and what your friends are reading or have read. Del.icio.us is a handy tool to keep pages bookmarked that will hold on to them even if my computer crashes and i lose everything else. It's been frustrating at times, but it's usually because I tend to over complicate things that are not. I don't know how all of these things fit in with the library, but I can see how some of them could simplify helping patrons and making the library a stronger resource for the future. Some of the tools will make us able to understand what people are looking for as well. A good exercise overall. I give it 4 1/2 stars.


I was looking at the awards list and decided to go less technological and more fun. I found the site www.etsy.com, which is a place for people to sell homemade items. I thought it might be a place for my husband to get started for his business. He is a blacksmith and makes many wonderful things. It has everything from jewelry to odds and ends that any crafter might want to buy to make other things. It was an interesting site worth checking out.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Happy and waiting

I don't know what Rollyo is so I am just ignoring it for now. I moved past it and have been having fun with other sites. I am waiting for the hints next week to get it to do what it is supposed to do. Since I have started playing around with all of this I have opened a lot of different accounts and found some crazy fun sites, so overall definitely worth it to do.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Freeing the words

This may more aptly be called the battle for the words. Google sounds like the want to have control of the words, to an extent. I can understand not wanting one private company to have control over every book scanned onto the Internet, but, is it a better idea to pay to put it there? If you had to pay for viewing a book it would go against what the library stands for, which is, in my opinion, offering information for free. I guess it could be argued both ways. Google doesn't charge the library to scan in the books, but they charge the user to read entire texts. The Open Content Alliance will charge the libraries to scan in the books and then offers the books free to the users. So I guess the question becomes who should pay, the libraries or the users? If the library pays, where would that money come from? Would it turn out to be something the users pay for through their taxes? Would the people be paying for it either way? If so, will it become a question of which way makes the person feel like they aren't paying for it?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

mashups problem solved

I was of course complicating things. I got it figured out with the help of Elizabeth. I had been playing with mashups for a week and just didn't even realize that is what I had been doing.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I really don't understand Rollyo.com. I don't know what it's supposed to do. I've been trying to figure it out, but don't understand the purpose of it. If someone could explain it, I would appreciate it.

43 things

This site is interesting because it lets you know that whatever your goals may be there are other people out there working toward them at the same time.


I love this sight. It is so much fun to play around with and explore. You should check out my library and tell me what you think.

Friday, October 12, 2007


I am a little frustrated, so if someone could help I would appreciate it. I have been playing around on Flickr and I cannot figure out how to make a mashup.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

71/2 habits of lifelong learners

My strongest or easiest step for me is veiwing problems as challenges. The most difficult would be remembering to take the time to play.